Genre VR adventure

Engine Unity

Role Level & sound designer, gameplay & UI programmer

Date December 2021


<aside> ❓ 1353 A.D. is a VR adventure game made by a team of 3. A regular village dweller wakes up in the midst of the Black Plague ravaging their home. They must escape the rats by chasing them away with fire, luring them with meat and manage their way around obstacles.


βš’οΈ What I worked on

πŸŒ† Level Design

<aside> πŸ’‘ I designed the maps for the game which include the β€œmain menu” area, the village, the castle and the purgatory.


The village

The village

The main menu

The main menu


The purgatory


☠️ Gameplay and UI


Death and UI code

Death and UI code

HP management code

HP management code


Narration system

Narration system

<aside> πŸ’‘ More precisely, I worked on the respawn system, the trigger events and the general sequence of events in the game.

Sound cues play when the player walks into a certain collision box. As for the respawn system, the player revives into the purgatory which gives them the choice of either continuing (and spawning back at the last checkpoint) or to quit the game.

The player is first shown a bit of lore before waking up in bed. The opening narration consists of sentences that are updated with animation events


πŸ”Š Sound Design

<aside> πŸ’‘ To complement the grim medieval atmosphere of the game, I added ambient and triggered sounds that give off the impression that the player is truly by themselves in the game. Sounds of wild animals and creaking can be heard as to make the player feel uneasy.

Whenever the player is attacked by rats, the character can be heard hyperventilating along with loud heartbeats.



🀝 Credits

<aside> ❀️ 1353 A.D. was made with the talent of my teammates Isaac Roy and Julien Lapointe. Check out their portfolios!
